Life Certificate for Pensioners online @

March 16, 2023 by admin

Do you remember the time when pensioners have to be physically present at the pension disbursement office and prove that you are alive to collect the pension money? It was very annoying given the age of the retired employee or unhealthy retired employee. Well, now that time is gone.

Imagine the scenario in which you are the pensioner but after the retirement you have moved to the different location (may be to your village or to live with your family). Now whenever you need to collect your pension you have to go to the pension office and collect your pension from there. Most of the retire servants are either old or unhealthy and this could be very hurdled process for them.

To solve this problem or in other words to easy up the process of pension collecting, government has digitalized the process of submitting and obtaining Jeevan Pramaan certificate or Digital Life certificate. By this process, Pensioners can generate their digital life certificate – DLC online which then pension disbursing agency can access. Because of the digitalization of the process retired employees do not have to be presented physically to the pension office, they can just go to the nearest DLC issuing agency and submit their bio matric information and generate DLC Certificate.

Now lets get through the process how you can generate digital life certificate online.

How to Get / Generate / Download Digital Life Certificate Online? 

There are two ways by which you can generate a digital life certificate.

  1. Using your Computer or android mobile phone.
  2. You can go to the nearest CSC office, Goverment offices (Like Bank, Post office etc.) which issues Jeevan Pramaan Certificate and generate certificate from there.

From these 2 process, i recommend the second process. If you are pensioner and want to get Jivan praman certificate you should go to the Jivan Pramaan center and generate the certificate from there.

The first process is little bit of techy and complicated. You will also require bio metric authentication device for it. Then you have to get RD services to convert that public biometric device into the registered device and after that you will be able to generate Jivan praman certificate.

Instead of going through such a hard and complicated first process you can just go to the Jivan praman centers and generate your digital life certificate by paying minor or no amount. Also this is just one time process.

Now you may don’t know where the Jeevan pramaan centers are but don’t worry we are here at your disposal. It is very easy to locate the nearest DLC Centers. Just follow below given process.

How to get Digital Life Certificate from the Center?

  • To get the digital life certificate from the center first you have to find the jivan praman cetners which are so many.
  • After locating the DLC Center you can go there and ask them to generate Jeevan pramaan certificate.
  • They will ask for the Aadhar card and Mobile Number.
  • Then you have to go through the biometric authentication process.
  • And your Digital Life certificate will be generated.

Once your certificate is generated you can download it online and also your pension disbursing agency can access it online through their system and portal.

Once the DLC certificate is generated using first or secong method, the Pramaan ID will be sent in form of sms to the pensioner for future use. The Digital Life Certificate or the Jivan Praman can also be delivered to your Pension Disbursing Agencies. 

How to get Digital Life Certificate / How to submit Jeevan Pramaan life certificate for pensioners online ?

To submit the Digital life certificate you have to visit the online government portal

Before submitting the life certificate please collect following documents. 

  • Aadhaar card/Number
  • Pension Payment Order (Pension Chukavani Hukam Na Number)
  • Bank Account Number
  • Bank Name
  • Your Mobile Number


First you have to Locate and visit the nearest DLC center or Jeevan Pramaan Center and Ask them to do registration for digital life certificate on They will understand your needs and ask you for below given details which are needed to fill up in the form of certificate generation.


On the center you have to fill up life certificate form. To Fill up the form you will need following details.

  • Full Name
    • Here you have to fill up full name of yours.
  • PPO ID
    • Here you have to fill up pension payment order Number or Pension chukavani Hukam number.
  • Type Of Pension
    • There are several types of pension available (Family pension, Service pension etc.). So you have to enter the details about what kind of pension you are receiving.
  • Pension Sanctioning Authority (Pension Manjoor Karnar Satta)
    • Select State Government – Gujarat Here.
  • Pension Disbursement Agency/Office (Pension ni chukavani karnar sanstha)
    • You will see gujarat treasury – Sub Treasury option here. Select the treasury from which you are receiving the pension. The treasury could be Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar, Vadodara, Rajkot, Surat.
  • Account Number or Khata Number
    • Enter the bank account number in which you are receiving the pension.
  • Re-Employed ?
    • If you accepted the re employment then select yes otherwise select No.
  • Remarried 
    • Yes or No whichever applicable.
  • Finger Scanner
    • You have to biometric verification here by scanning your fingers.

After the process is completed and once you generate the DLC Certificate you wont have to submit it to your pension disbursement office because that process will be automatically done through the jeevanpramaan portal.

Important : After you complete the process your pension ID will be created to the You should save the login id and password of your account.

Before you follow this process you first have to locate the DLC Center or jivan praman center. To do that you simply have to follow these few steps.

Locate jeevan pramaan centres near you

The jeevan pramaan centers can be the citizen service center or government office or post office or banks. To locate that center you just have to go through one simple process.

  • First of all open
  • Now Click on Locate a center option from the menu bar.
  • Then Enter your pincode or State and District Name.
  • There you will find the government office or CSC Center which are nearest to you.
  • Go to the center and follow above given process.

How to Download Digital Life Certificate From ?

The jeevan Pramaan Portal made the life certificate download procedure very easy. You can only download certificate after generating it through the centers.

There are several steps which you have to follow in order to download jeevan praman certificate.

  • First of all the life certificate portal
  • Now Click on the Pensioner sign in button. Refer below given image.’
  • When you Go there, Another link of the same website will be opened which is
  • Here Enter the Pramaan ID Which you must have received in email and in SMS. Then Click On Generate OTP.
  • Enter The OTP you have received in your registered mobile number.
  • Download Your Certificate from there.

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  • First of all Open
  • When you open the link, click on the Pension Portal Button.
  • Now Enter Your Bank Account Number and PPO Number and click on login.
  • After that you have to click on DPPF Reports Link.
  • Here you can download Pension Monthly/Quarterly/Half yearly/Yearly Pension slip. Pensioner can Download and print out Life Certificate, know the Status of Medical Reimbursement Bill and can update contact details using this portal.

If you have any more quries or question regarding this post or the portal you can simply comment below using your email id or you can just go to the contact us page and ask us your queries. We will reply within one or two days most.

Keep visiting portal For More Information.

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