January 5, 2022 by admin
Under RAJSSP Scheme, the Rajsthan government seeks to provide financial assistance to the state’s aged, sick, disabled, or needy individuals by providing a pension. It will encourage people to work for their livelihoods by making them autonomous in this way.
The health and empowerment of the people in Rajasthan are included in this scheme. This system helps to preserve those people’s social security and also the self-esteem that they might lose.
The RAJSSP is a set of programs built by the central government as well as the state government. Continue to read this article for all the information about this yojana.
RAJSSP Samajik Suraksha Pension Yojana
According to the Rajasthan government’s pension scheme, a particular sum is given monthly to the state’s elderly and poor people to provide them with at least some financial protection to get their basic needs.
What Is The Eligibility Criteria Of Rajasthan Social Security Pension Yojana?
This Pension Yojana Divided By Central Government And State Government So, Below We Have Explained Both Eligibility Criteria And Financial Benefits.
State Government Pension Scheme
1) Chief Minister Old Age Samman Pension Scheme
- Women aged 55 and above And Man Age 58 Year And Above
Annual Income Limit:
- Annual Income up to Rs. 48000/-
Financial Benefits Per Month:
- Rs. 750 To Those Peoples Who Have Age Under 75 Years.
- Rs. 1000 To Those People Who Have Age Above 75 Years.
2) Chief Minister Eklnari Samman Pension Scheme
- Widows, Divorced, Abandoned Women 18 years and over.
Annual Income Limit:
- Annual Income up to Rs. 48000/-
Financial Benefits Per Month:
- Rs. 500 To Those Peoples Who Have Age Between 18 Years to 55 Years.
- Rs. 750 To Those Peoples Who Have Age Between 55 Years to 60 Years.
- Rs. 1000 To Those Peoples Who Have Age Between 60 Years to 75 Years.
- Rs. 1500 To Those Peoples Who Have Age 75 years and above.
3) Chief Minister Special Qualified Person Pension Scheme
- Special Qualified age of any person with a disability of 40% or more.
- Seeding naturally – less than 3 feet 6 inches.
- Ejaculatory.
Annual Income Limit:
- Annual Income up to Rs. 60000/-
Financial Benefits Per Month:
- Rs. 750 for a woman below 55 years of age and a male under 58 years of age.
- Rs. 1000 For a Woman aged 55 years and above, male aged 58 years and above but below 75 years.
- Rs. 1250 to beneficiaries aged 75 years and above.
- Leprosy-free beneficiaries of all ages Rs. 1500.
4) Small and Marginal Farmers Older Pension Scheme
- Women aged 55 and above And Men Aged 58 Year And Above.
- Definition of Small and Marginal Farmers as per Circular dated 31.8.2013 of Food and Civil Supplies Department of Rajasthan Government under National Food Security Ordinance 2013.
Financial Benefits Per Month:
- Rs. 750 For Those Peoples Who Are Under 75 Year Age.
- Rs. 1000 For Those Peoples Who Are 75 Year Anf Above Age.
Center Government Pension Scheme
1) Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme
- Only For Those Peoples Who Are 60 Years Or Above Age Group of BPL Families.
Annual Income Limit:
- Listed In The Central Government’s BPL List.
Financial Benefits Per Month:
- Rs. 750 For Those Peoples Who Are Between 60 Years To 75 Years.
- Rs. 1000 For Those Peoples Who Have 75 Years Or Above Age.
2) Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme
- Only For Widow women and age should be 40 years and above from BPL families.
Annual Income Limit:
- Listed In The Central Government’s BPL List.
Financial Benefits Per Month:
- Rs 500 For Those Women Who Have Age Between 40 Years To 55 Years.
- Rs. 750 For Those Women Who Have Age Between 55 Years To 60 Years.
- Rs. 1000 For Those Women Who Have Age Between 60 Years To 75 Years.
- Rs. 1500 For Those Women Who Have 75 Years Or Above Age.
3) Indira Gandhi National Disability Pension Scheme
- 18 Years And Above Age Also Coming From BPL Families Who Are Disabled persons with 80% or more disability.
Annual Income Limit:
- Listed In The Central Government’s BPL List.
Financial Benefits Per Month:
- Rs. 750 For Those Women Who Have Age Between 18 Years To 55 Years. And Men Age Between 18 Years To 58 Years.
- Rs. 1000 For Those Women Who Have Age Between 55 Years To 75 Years. And Men Age Between 58 Years To 75 Years.
- Rs. 1250 For Women And Men Who Have 75 Years And Above Age.
- Rs. 1500 For All Ages Group Who Have Leprosy Disease.
I Know Lots of People Not Understand English Languages So, They Can Check Hindi Eligibility Criteria On RAJSSP Official Website. Eligibility Criteria In Hindi
How To Apply Application Form For RAJSSP Pension Yojana?
The application process is given below for the RAJSSP scheme. Before that, make sure that you go through the list of documents needed for the application and also check on the official portal, whether you are eligible or not.
Required Documents List:
- Identity card
- Income proof
- Bhamashah ID
- Bank account details
- Certificate of Birth
Application Mode:
Through an online portal and visiting the nearest E Mitra or Public SSO Centre, people who are elderly, widows, divorced, etc. can apply for the RAJSSP scheme for women and men.
Online Method
- The official website must be accessed by people wishing to apply. https://rajssp.raj.nic.in/
- Click on the ‘Application Form’ option on the home page.
- Open the application form.
- Fill Up correctly With the necessary information, and click on the “submit” option.
Offline Method
The nearest Sub Divisional Officer or Block Development Officer must be visited by applicants who wish to apply offline.
Click to access RAJSSP-Application-Form.pdf
- Print the application form From the Official Website.
- Fill up the form with the right data.
- After completing the form, send it with the necessary documents at Tehsildar or Naib Tehsildar.
- The Disposal Authority will now review the application form.
- The applicants earn the pension directly into their bank account when the application is processed.
How To Check Rajasthan Samajik Suraksha Pension Yojana Application Form Status?
- Visit RAJSSP’s official portal.
- Open the “Reports” option on the home page.
- Open the “Pensioner Online Status” option to open a new tab.
- Now fill in the application number and Captcha code and press the show status button.
- The status of the pensioner’s application is displayed on the computer.